- Name-Democratic Republic Albuquerque.
- Capital city- Albuquerque.
- Largest city/town- Albuquerque.
- Other cities/towns- Ciudad Juares, Las Cruces, Roswell, Carlsbad, Alamagordo, Abuqurque and Sata Fe and El Paso.
- Leader-
- Deputy leader-
- Regime- Democratic, right wing, conservative republic.
- Language- Southern U.S. English, Navajo, Apache, Mexican Spanish.
- Religion- Catholic, various Protestants and evangelicals,
- Population- 1, 545,500.
- Economy- Farming, ranching and quarrying. The low level making and export of gravel, beef and leather.
- Climate- Hot desert
- Military- 1,555.
- Economic strength- low.