- Name- Republic of Luanda
- Capital city- Luanda
- Largest city/town- Luanda
- Other cities/towns- Luabda, Benguela, Lubango and Namibie
- Leader-
- Deputy leader-
- Regime- Authoritarian, economically progressive, African nationalist republic.
- Language- Portuguese, Kikongo, Chokwe, Umbundu, Kimbundu, Ganguela and Kwanyama
- Religion- Roman Catholic and Anamist
- Population- 7,500,000
- Economy- Fishing, farming, cattle herding, quarrying, mining, oil drilling and industry. Export and making of oil, stone, Styrofoam, gravel, sand, diamond, manganese, gold, vanadium, nickel and tin.
- Climate- semiarid, tropical, tropical savannah, Mediterranean and arid.
- Military- 5,500