- Name- Republic of Sidney Norfolk Island.
- Capital city- Sydney
- Largest city/town- Sydney
- Other cities/towns- Canberra, Byron Bay, Wollongong, Newcastle, Coffs Harbour, Orange, Dubbo and Bourk.
- Leader-
- Deputy leader-
- Regime- Democratic, economically liberal, center right Republic.
- Language- Australian English, Amurdag and Gamilaraay.
- Religion- Catholic, Protestant and native Aborigine beliefs.
- Population- 4,545,755.
- Economy- Agriculture, qarrying, mining and fishing. The low level production of exporting of sand, gravel, stone, gold, lamb, peas, coal, zinc, lead, copper, tin, beef, leather, bone meal and salt.
- Climate- Arid, semi arid, subpolar oceanic, Alpine, cool oceanic and humid subtropical.
- Military- 9,500.
- Economic strength- Strong