Alternate Future Wiki


  • The Second East Turkestan Republic is created in northern Sinkiang.


  • The Finnish elections end for 65% in favour of the Finnish People's Democratic League (SKDL), though many believe this number was rigged, with REAL support numbering less than 25%. A huge military parade between Finnish and Soviet communists is held on April 4th and they march from Hamina to Viipuri, where the latter was then transferred back to Finnish control.


  • The Popular Democratic Front wins the 1948 Italian General Elections, the second (or first, depending on what your stance is on the 1946 Finnish elections) time a communist government has come to power in legitimate elections. The United States decides to act quickly. The Allies in southern Italy re-established the "Kingdom of Two Sicilies" (really referred to as simply "Sicily") under a temporary regency and ruled by the Christian Democrats, with its capital in Naples. Sardinia is proclaimed independent from both Italy and the southern kingdom, being declared non-aligned in the Cold War.
  • Thomas E. Dewey wins the 1948 U.S. Presidential Election.
  • The Tito-Stalin Split occurs. Greece, still under civil war, decides to side with Tito and the Greek Communists reject all offers of aid from the Soviet Union.


  • The People's Republic of China is proclaimed by Mao Zedong. China officially recognizes the sovereignty of the East Turkestan Republic, which now controls all of the former province of Sinkiang.
  • Prince Ranieri, Duke of Castro becomes the King of the Two Sicilies.
  • President Dewey begins to plan for a tour of the country to promote Civil Rights and abolish the Jim Crow laws.
  • Greek communists declare the "People's Republic of Greece" after the British withdrawal from Greece. The nation is headed by Nikos Zachariadis and begins to mold its economy in a Titoist manner.


  • North Korea crosses the 38th parallel and invades South Korea. They annihilate the South Koreans and while President Dewey gave some aid in the form of arms shipments, he did little to help the oppressive, criminal regime of Syngman Rhee.
  • President Dewey nearly had to cancel a speech in Mississippi after almost getting hit in the head by a shoe. A young man, Martin Luther King Jr., gives an impromptu speech of his own, and becomes famous overnight. Dewey invites him to the White House to become the spokesperson for abolishing the Jim Crow Laws, marking the beginning of the modern Civil Rights Movement.


  • Kim Il-Sung, leader of Korea, dies in a plane crash. His son is too young to succeed him, so Kim Tu-bong, leader of the Yan'an faction, takes his place.


  • Joseph Stalin, the brutal but quasi-worshiped Soviet ruler, dies in his sleep. The Soviet Union moves more towards leadership by Troika. Georgy Malenkov becomes Premier of the Council of Ministers and head of government, Lazar Kaganovich becomes Chairman of the Politburo and head of state, and Vyacheslav Molotov becomes General Secretary of the CPSU and commander-in-chief.


  • Richard Milhouse Nixon defeats Democrat Joseph P. Kennedy Jr.


  • Richard Nixon is sworn in as the 35th President of the United States.
  • President Charles de Gaulle's plane is shot down in Brittany by French fighters. A military coup is staged and a junta composed of retired generals Maurice Challe, Edmond Jouhaud, Andre Zeller, and Raoul Salan takes power.


  • The United Arab Republic launches a series of preemptive air strikes on Israeli airfields, starting what will be known as the "Six-Day War". Israeli territory is overtaking in these Six Days, and the Palestinians are allowed to return from their exile under the condition that it join the United Arab Republic. Hatred towards the United States begins as they did nothing to help the Israelis, they even had a fleet near Israel, but the Navy decided not to attack, fearing (wrongly) that the Soviets would intervene.


  • Ronald Reagan wins the 1968 U.S. presidential election.
  • France begins a campaign to disband NATO, saying if the US didn't help their ally Israel, who says they'll help them.
  • Lebanon is forced to join the United Arab Republic. The Iraqi Republic, thinking it will be forced to join next, voluntarily joins the UAR.


  • A border clash between Chinese and Soviet soldiers erupts into a full-scale war.
  • King Hussein of Jordan is assassinated, and a cabal of pro-Nasser politicians take power in the country, and Jordan formally joins the United Arab Republic.


  • China is defeated in the First Sino-Soviet War. Korea, a fervent pro-Mao nation, cuts all ties with Soviet Union. China becomes a Soviet Ally under Liu Shaoqi, who denounces Mao's legacy, making him many enemies.


  • The "Gang of Four" faction within the Chinese Communist Party reach for power. Liu Shaoqi's bullet-riddled body is thrown into the Yangtze river. They reverse Shaoqi's de-Maoization and return to its pre-war ways. Soviet leader Alexei Kosygin decides not to intervene, not wanting to spark another war. Korea resumes relations with China.


  • Libya joins the United Arab Republic.
  • Robert Francis Kennedy wins the 1976 presidential election.


  • The People's Republic of China invades Mongolia, sparking a second Sino-Soviet war.
  • Algeria votes to join the United Arab Republic.


  • The Soviets win the Second Sino-Soviet War. Manchuria becomes a Soviet satellite state, and the rest of China is reunited with Taiwan under Kuomintang rule, so long as China declares non-alignment in the Cold War.
  • Seeing the defeat of China, Korea isolates itself once more. However, the new leadership under the reformist faction take power and put the Maoist hardliners on trial. They then start slowly liberalizing the economy.