Alternate Future Wiki

The planet Earth was invaded by aquatic aliens  known as the aquatic ones. the aquatic ones never told the human race their true names and kept their true intentions hidden. They were very similar in appearance to dolphins and were 20 times more intelligent. In 2033 aquatic ones spaceships blow up the cities of Vancouver, San Francisco and Seattle. This is a sign of force and a causes United Nations to give control of the earth to the aquatic ones. The aquatic was insured that they would preserve human culture and human artistic achievements. They also said that humans would be preserved and habitats that preserve their way of life. Beginning in 2034 the aquatic ones begin extremely intense terraforming. First they establish massive domes over select number of cities and a large habitat for the human race in Antarctica. After all these cities and regions of the world are set aside and preserved.  these isolated regions become known as human preserves and 2035. Beginning in 2045 the aquatic ones melting all the earth glaciers. The world is extremely flooded and sea levels rise dramatically. The aquatic ones also introduce artificial water that floods almost entire planet other than the preserve zones. Algae farms and fish farms are also created to feed mankind. after this entire human race lived and 40 colonies that were protected by the great ocean by large geodesic domes. The human population was 56 million in 2049. This major lost population was caused as a result of the devastating virus that was accidentally introduce by dividing one.This alien invasion leaves of the death of most land-based life including humans and livestock. Almost every non-aquatic habitat is also devastated by the aquatic ones. Also all animals that lived in freshwater also went extinct. The human race became a small minority in a strange alien planet.