Alternate Future Wiki

The breakup of the United Kingdom[]

In the early 21st century beginning in 2016 the United Kingdom decided to leave the European Union this led to years of political turmoil and caused the breakup of the United Kingdom. In 2024 the United Kingdom officially left the European Union without an overall trade deal. This led to a major economic crisis in the United Kingdom and led to the great recession of the 2030s and 2040s.  on June 8, 2030,  declared its independence from the United Kingdom became known as the Republic of Wales. This was followed in 2034 when Ireland reunited and became the independent Republic of Ireland. Scotland also officially declared independence on October 8, 2034. As a result of the breakup of the United Kingdom England efficiently got rid of the monarchy in 2044. It became extremely conservative hostile foreigners following the breakup of the United Kingdom. The breakup of the United Kingdom also officially led to the collapse of the European Union in 2053. However,r after the second American Civil War ended this organization was replaced with the European league which was similar to the European Union but without all the issues. Wales, Scotland and Ireland all joined this organization. However England because of their stubbornness refused to join their disorganization even though they led to its creation. The breakup of the United Kingdom was the most turbulent events in the 21st century up until the American Civil War which devastated the United States.
