Alternate Future Wiki

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s was in political, economic and environmental chaos primarily caused by the fall of the UK in 1982 and the Soviet Civil War that lasted from 1983 to 1993. On one side of Europe there was the UK became a radioactive dictatorship following the destruction of London in the nuclear war of 1982. There was also political chaos around the Soviet Union and across the Iron Curtain as a result of the Soviet Civil War that lets the deaths of 10 million people. The Ukraine and most of the Balkans also became a radioactive dead zone in 1989 as a result of Chernobyl. The black sea also became a dangerous ocean and added by pirates, mercenaries and Soviet death squads. In 1994 the Turkish city of Istanbul was firebombed by the Soviet Union in an attempt to take over Turkey. Western Europe was trapped between the dictatorship of the UK and increasingly violent and turbulence Soviet Union. The Mediterranean also experienced intensive crop failures from 1989 to 1999 as a result of nuclear fallout from Chernobyl and the ruins of London. This led to many people abandoning the Mediterranean and moving to northern Europe which function fairly well during this time. The most powerful country in Europe during the 1980s and 1990s was Switzerland and Scandinavia primarily because they were far enough away from the radiation and the political turmoil. Scandinavia also prevented the Soviet Union from invading. Western Europe however improved greatly following the fall of the Soviet Union in 2007. By then Germany, France and Spain were the dominant political powers that maintained Europe's economic growth. Europe was still in much economic turmoil until 2010 what a revolutionary trade deal was created with the UK and the former Soviet Union and helps rehabilitate the economy in Western Europe. Western Europe also received financial aid from NATO, the global peace initiative and the governments of Turkey Egypt and many other places. However despite this piece the Ukraine was still radioactive death death zone along with most of the Balkans. This region was completely abandoned by Western Europe and left to be ruled by pirates, missionaries and cannibals.  Western Europe however never fully recovered economically or politically from the turbulence caused by the nuclear war of 1982, the Soviet Civil War and the Chernobyl explosion.
